/manager/Index en-au 5 A new solid state synthesis methodology for ternary and higher order compounds /manager/Repository/uon:4516 Wed 11 Apr 2018 10:39:03 AEST ]]> Defect behavior and radiation tolerance of MAB phases (MoAlB and Fe2AlB2) with comparison to MAX phases /manager/Repository/uon:39087 2AlB2, using a combination of experimental characterization and first-principles calculations. We find that Fe2,AlB2 is more tolerant to radiation-induced amorphization than MoAlB, both at 150 ℃ and at 300 ℃. The results can be explained by the fact that the Mo Frenkel pair is unstable in MoAlB and as a result, irradiated MoAlB is expected to have a significant concentration of MoAl antisites, which are difficult to anneal even at 300 ℃. We find that the tolerance to radiation-induced amorphization of MAB phases is lower than in MAX phases, but it is comparable to that of SiC. However, MAB phases do not show radiation-induced cracking which is observed in MAX phases under the same irradiation conditions. This study suggests that MAB phases might be a promising class of materials for applications that involve radiation.]]> Tue 14 May 2024 09:12:30 AEST ]]> Single crystal elastic constants of the MAX phase Ti<sub>3</sub>AlC<sub>2</sub> determined by neutron diffraction /manager/Repository/uon:12011 3AlC2 has an interesting combination of electrical, thermal and mechanical properties. Single crystal elastic constants under the Reuss approximation for the micromechanical state were obtained by analysing the shifts of neutron diffraction peaks while a polycrystalline sample was subjected to a compressive load varying from 5 to 300 MPa. The values of Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio computed from the single crystal compliances are in good agreement with those obtained directly from strain gauges and from the average changes in the a and c unit cell parameters.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:11:34 AEDT ]]> Ti₃GaC₂ and Ti₃InC₂: first bulk synthesis, DFT stability calculations and structural systematics /manager/Repository/uon:27358 n+1AXn phases (n≥2) from the chemical characteristics of known phases was developed. The method was used to identify two potential M₃AC₂ phases Ti₃GaC₂ and Ti₃InC₂. After verifying that the n=1 MAX phases in these systems could be synthesised in bulk using a simple pressureless reactive sintering process, the new phases were synthesised using the same method. DFT calculations were used to test the thermodynamic stability of the new phases against the known competing phases within the same ternary systems. Both were found to be stable although Ti₃InC₂ only marginally so. Crystal structure refinements and comparison to other MAX phases revealed a linear increase in the c-axis length as a function of the atomic radius of the A element.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:39:38 AEDT ]]> MAX phase - alumina composites via exchange reaction in the Mn+1AlCn systems (M=Ti, V, Cr, Nb, or Ta) /manager/Repository/uon:27729 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:36:43 AEDT ]]> Ab initio phonon dispersion curves used to check experimentally determined elastic constants of the MAX phase Ti₃SiC₂ /manager/Repository/uon:23205 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:10:28 AEDT ]]>